Pune to Satara Kaas Plateau Cab Service

Hire Pune to Satara Kaas Plateau cab with us

Kaas Plateau is popularly known as Kaas Pathar or Valley of Flowers. Kaas plateau is renowned for its beautiful grasslands. It has unique biodiversity. It is placed near Satara. The distance between Pune and Kaas Plateau is 125 Kilometers can be covered by 3 hours journey by road.

It is on hills of Western Ghats or Sahyadri mountain range. It is situated at 1200 meters above the sea level. The whole area is about 10suare kilometers. Kaas plateau is made up of kind of igneous rock known as Basalt rock. It is best spot for one day picnic. Kaas Plateau is a joy for nature lovers and photographers. In 2012 UNSCO declared this place as World Natural Heritage Site. You can book cab from Pune for your picnic to Kaas Plateau.

Bio Diversity Of Valley Of Flowers

In monsoon season the entire region is filled with gorgeous wild flowers of various verities. That is why the place is called valley of flowers. The number of visitors will be raised during Rainy season that is in the month of August and September. Place has rich in bio diversity so it provides for study and research for Botanical Science. Each year numerous researchers and learners arrive at this place. The entire area is studied by them.

Kaas Plateau has various types of seasonal wild flowers and various kinds of beautiful butterflies. The botanical species of plateau are of only one of its kind.

These include orchids, Shrubs, Drosera, carnivorous plants, Karvy etc. Many types endangered plants area also found here. More than 850 types of flowering plants can be seen here. During Monsoon the whole region is converted as velvet bed of flowers.

When to Visit Kaas plateau?

The Monsoon will be ideal season to visit Kaas Plateau, when the valley is decorated with colorful flowers. So plan your picnic in August and September. It just right place for one day picnic and sightseeing.

Nearby Places Kaas Plateau

Kaas Lake, Sajjangad Fort and Vajrai waterfalls is also near to Kaas plateau.

This Monsoon plan for picnic to Kaas Plateau

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