Pune to Malshej Ghat Cab Service

Hire Pune to Malshej Ghat cab with us

Malshej Ghat is a hill station situated 135 kilometers away from Pune and it’s a 3 hours journey. It is about and 154 kilometers away from Mumbai. Malshej is nested on the lap of green lush Sahyadri Hills. This place is ideal for short weekend escape, away from busy life of city. Tourists come here for trekking and rock climbing activity.

Beautiful Malshej

As you arrive here, you will be mesmerized by magnificent view mountains with clouds rolling over the. The pleasant atmosphere of this place reaches its zenith during the rainy season. Traveler’s footfall goes up during that season. The dense green forest which multiples the beauty of the place. Spectacular view of number of small and big waterfalls is treat for the eyes. Birds and animals and plant variety in the region of the hills make it a dreamland for nature enthusiasts. One can witness numerous varieties of fauna like Cranes, Quails, Cuckoos and Flamingoes.

Harishchandragad Fort

The Harishchandragad Fort belongs to 6th Century approximately. It is is one of foremost attraction of the Malshej Ghat. It is located approximately 1400 meters altitude. If you are crazy for Trekking you can track up to Harishchandragad. Fort Malshej Ghat is bejeweled by number of cascading waterfalls. Who will miss the stunning beauty of these waterfalls?

Other places popular for trekking are
• Jivdhan Chawand Fort,
• Ajoba Hill Fort
• Nana Ghat.

Nearby Places To Visit:

Some of the places of interest are there near to Malshej Ghat

Things To Be Taken Care

If have plan of Trekking carry essential things with you. If your plan is during rainy season, then be aware of the weather of the Ghat, because it rains very heavily. The route will be slippery during rains so take extra care.

Where to stay and eat?

As it’s a small place there are very few options are there t stay and number of good hotels are also less. There is one MTDC resort is also available here. You may book your rooms with it.

For next picnic let’s go to Malshej Ghat

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